Infrastructure testing with Jenkins, Puppet and Vagrant at Agile Testing Days

agiletdThis week I’m in Postdam/Berlin giving a talk Infrastructure testing with Jenkins, Puppet and Vagrant at Agile Testing Days. Showing examples of using Puppet, Vagrant and other tools to implement a source code to production continuous delivery cycle.

Slides are up in SlideShare, and source code is available at GitHub.

Extend Continuous Integration to automatically test your infrastructure.

Continuous Integration can be extended to test deployments and production environments, in a Continuous Delivery cycle, using infrastructure-as-code tools like Puppet, allowing to manage multiple servers and their configurations, and test the infrastructure the same way continuous integration tools do with developers’ code.

Puppet is an infrastructure-as-code tool that allows easy and automated provisioning of servers, defining the packages, configuration, services, … in code. Enabling DevOps culture, tools like Puppet help drive Agile development all the way to operations and systems administration, and along with continuous integration tools like Jenkins, it is a key piece to accomplish repeatability and continuous delivery, automating the operations side during development, QA or production, and enabling testing of systems configuration.

Using Vagrant, a command line automation layer for VirtualBox, we can easily spin off virtual machines with the same configuration as production servers, run our test suite, and tear them down afterwards.

We will show how to set up automated testing of an application and associated infrastructure and configurations, creating on demand virtual machines for testing, as part of your continuous integration process.

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